High Voltage Switchgear Safety

Anytime an individual is working with high voltage, safety is incredibly important. High voltage switchgear was developed at the end of the 19th century for operating electrical motors and machines. This type of technology can be used with voltages up to 1,100 kV.

high voltage switchgear

Electrical switchgear refers to the combination of electrical disconnects, fuses and circuit breakers used to isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is an important part of the electrical chain because it is directly linked to the reliability of that electrical supply.

Testing High Voltage Switchgear

The use of ultrasound is an effective and low-cost method for evaluating the condition of insulation components on high-voltage transmission and distribution equipment. Unlike convention testing, ultrasound testing can locate failing insulation while the electrical distribution and transmission equipment is still live. Ultrasound testing can be used for outdoor and aerial transmission equipment, as well as enclosed switchgear equipment. This is a very safe way to test and inspect the high voltage switchgear without putting electrical professionals in danger.

Accidental contact with high voltage supplying adequate energy will often result in severe injury or even death. This can take place as an individual provides a path for the current’s flow resulting in tissue damage and heart failure. Injuries may also occur as a result of the physical force on the body as people may fall from a significant high or be thrown a considerable distance. Therefore, it is essential all safety best practices and regulations should be adhered to when working on high voltage switchgear.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employees that face a higher than normal risk of electrical accident to receive Electrical Safety Training. The Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace covers the hazards of electrical shock, Arc Flash and Arc Blast. This training was developed for OSHA by the national Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Working with electrical current, especially high voltage current, should be taken seriously and all industry regulations and best practices should be followed to reduce accident and injury as much as possible.